Saunas And Ice Baths For Soccer Players

By: Alex Tyson

Want to boost your soccer playing? Did you know that there are multiple benefits of using saunas and ice baths for soccer players that can enhance both your performance and your recovery? Below we list these benefits along with information on how to use ice baths and saunas for soccer players effectively to boost these benefits.

Found—Space is the leader in hormetic technology in Australia. We’re super passionate about helping our clients elevate their physiology through hormetic tech such as infrared saunas and ice baths. We provide guidance and ongoing support to ensure our clients use our products effectively so they can enjoy the benefits for both their bodies and minds.

The Benefits Of Ice Baths And Saunas For Soccer Players

To minimise injury, improve endurance and ultimately play better you need your body to recover properly. One of the main reasons that people use ice baths and saunas for soccer players is because they enable more effective and quicker recovery.

There is evidence that cold-water immersion reduces delayed onset muscle soreness after exercise compared with passive interventions involving rest or no intervention.

A sauna and/or ice bath for soccer players can reduce muscle soreness and saunas have also been shown to reduce swelling and inflammation. Other benefits of saunas and ice baths for soccer players can include improved cardiovascular health, higher tolerance to stressors, boosted immune system and improved circulation & metabolism.

How Best To Use Saunas And Ice Baths For Soccer Training

The best way to use ice baths or saunas for soccer players will ultimately depend on what works best for you. We recommend trying out different session durations, temperatures, and times of day and also experimenting with sessions pre and/or post-training/playing. Monitor your progress and tailor your sessions based on what is most effective.

We also recommend alternating between saunas and ice baths for soccer players. Alternating between hot and cold temperatures has been shown to offer the following benefits:

  • Triggering lymphatic circulation which can remove lactic acid
  • Elevating your heart rate
  • Improving blood flow
  • Releasing endorphins
  • Further boosting muscle recovery

As always, we recommend speaking to your health professionals or trainers if you have any existing health conditions, injuries or concerns and to ensure you’re using these methods effectively and safely.

Enquire About Saunas And Ice Baths For Soccer

Get in touch with us today to find out more about our range of ice baths and saunas for soccer players. Our team can assist you in determining the best ice bath and sauna for your needs and guide how best to use them.