How To Improve Environmental Health: A Comprehensive Guide

By: Alex Tyson

Definition of Environmental Wellness

When you think of the word “environment,” what comes to mind? The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the earth we live on are all part of our environment. Environmental wellness is having good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being. It’s more than just being in nature; it’s also about creating an enjoyable personal environment.

One way to promote environmental wellbeing is raising awareness of what type of setting you want to create for yourself – some things may be more important than others depending on your personality and preferences. For example, if you’re someone who loves spending time outdoors, then getting plenty of fresh air and sunlight would be a high priority for you. But if you prefer staying indoors and reading books or watching movies, then making sure your living space is comfortable and relaxing would be more beneficial.

No matter what your preference is, everyone can benefit from environmental wellness!

Why is Environmental Wellness Important?

Environmental wellness is important because it encourages people to take a more active role in their lives. It helps people understand how their actions and lifestyles affect the world around them. When people are environmentally well, they make choices that are healthier for themselves and for the planet.

Living an environmentally well life means making choices that are good for you and good for the planet. When you’re environmentally well, you think about how your daily decisions impact the environment. You try to live a balanced life where you take care of yourself and your surroundings.

How to Practice Environmental Wellness

Recycle & Reuse Responsibly

One simple way to practice environmental wellness is recycling. Check your local government’s website to learn more about what materials are acceptable in curbside recycling and other recycling initiatives in your community. Look into local recycling or composting programs for other ways to recycle other food waste containers, such as disposable cups and lids.

Whenever possible, try to reuse items instead of disposing of them. For example, masks and gloves can be washed and reused if they are not damaged. Disposable items like masks and gloves are bad for the environment because they end up in landfills without being recycled. If we all make a conscious effort to reuse what we can, it will help reduce our impact on the planet.

Conserve Energy

There are many ways to conserve energy and help the environment. Some simple tips are:

  • Adjust the thermostat for energy efficiency–lowering it just a few degrees in winter or raising it a few degrees in summer can save energy and money.
  • Recycle, donate old items, reuse items, and reduce carbon footprint wherever possible. For example, take public transportation or ride your bike instead of driving.
  • Spending time in nature is good for you and the environment. Try to get outdoors every day for at least 30 minutes. Even taking a walk around your neighbourhood helps!
  • Use energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances to save water. For example, washing clothes in cold water can save up to $60 per year.
  • Use a reusable coffee cup, water bottle and lunch container, as this eliminates waste from disposable cups, bottles and containers.
  • Turn off electronics when not in use and reduce heat at home, school or work whenever possible. This will conserve valuable resources and save you money too!

Buy Green Cleaning Supplies

When it comes to cleaning supplies, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Some cleaning products contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). VOCs lead to environmental and health problems such as air quality and groundwater contamination. So it’s important to buy green cleaning supplies, which can be as powerful as traditional ones without the harmful chemicals or harsh scents. Oftentimes, green cleaning supplies are refillable, which is an additional benefit.

Benefits of Outdoor Time

Did you know that spending time outdoors is essential to your health? According to some studies, people who spend time outside have better physical and mental health. Researchers have found that people who spent at least two hours a week in nature had lower stress levels, improved mental well-being, and were more resilient to stressors.

It’s not surprising that being outdoors has these benefits. After all, our ancestors spent most of their time outdoors. They got all of their exercise from walking, they got their vitamin D from sunlight, and they breathed fresh air all day long. When we spend time outside today, we’re replicating those natural behaviours.

Being outdoors has other benefits as well. For example, exposure to natural light helps the body produce hormones like serotonin and dopamine, which improve moods and energy levels. Additionally, research shows that spending time outside lowers cortisol levels – the hormone responsible for stress response.

Finally, spending time outside in nature is restorative and has the power to combat mental fatigue. Some studies show that just five minutes of nature exposure was enough to boost cognitive function!

Learn More About Why You Should Be Squeezing In Some Time Outdoors Every Day

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